Supporting Young Carers
Can you help us this Young Carers Action Day?
As part of our ongoing commitment to identifying and supporting Carers, we’re using Young Carers Action Day on 12th March 2025 to help raise awareness of Young Carers and Hidden Carers a category which many young people providing support can fall into.
Do you know a young person who is supporting someone with their mental health?
Young Carers are recognised from 5 years old to 18 years old
Young Adult Carers are 16-25 years old.
Many young carers are struggling to balance work, education and caring responsibilities and are missing out on social lives and freedom. This affects their mental health and their ability to thrive. Caring is a tough job and no one should have to do it alone!
Organisations supporting young carers
Three organisations across the counties are providing support groups, respite, and social activities for young carers, supporting their mental health and helping them feel young and connected to others.
Please share this info with anyone who may be interested in learning more or accessing the services.
Who is a Hidden Carer?
This example demonstrates the role of the hidden carer.
Ffion’s dad is the ‘recognised carer’ for his wife. Ffion lives with her parents. Her dad supports his wife with her day-to-day needs. Ffion, as daughter, is the ‘hidden carer’. She still attends school but she supports her dad to care for mum.
She ensures mum has breakfast each day before she heads to school, purchases the groceries so dad can stay with mum, supports her dad in arranging and attending medical appointments, and supports her dad in understanding the medication he is giving his wife.
Ffion returns straight home from school so she can help prepare meals and support her dad.
Ffion’s dad is the wheel and the daughter is the grease
Both hold very important roles. Ffion’s dad couldn’t cope without the support of his daughter. He is recognised as the carer and so Ffion’s role could easily be missed, yet it is essential.
As a team, we need to recognise young carers and hidden carers and assure them no rule says that only one carer per person/family can be acknowledged.
Sometimes the caring responsibilities are really clear and other times they are less obvious but still essential. A caring role will always have an impact on the life of the carer.